Book 6 Scores

that would be an exaggeration…but i’m glad to see a + 70 there…haven’t reviwed the answers yet…i’m sure there are some idiotic mistakes in there…

mumukada Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > just took Book 1 AM - 72% > > dunno to be happy or sad - of course no quant was > on there…so i was saved. > got screwed on ethics…just like ya’ll… All right mumu. You are in good shape.

2AM- 70% the kitty i let die was derivatives- 2/6 on forwards/FRA’s and didn’t have a clue. haven’t looked at them in a while. time to review this test and add those to the list of must review items. that list of must review items is frighteningly long vs the amount of time til test day. debating whether to just review later today or take the PM portion around 4pm or so (need lunch, walk the dog, and review test 2AM before that).

Your dog gets alot of walking. He/she must be proud to have you as the owner. Oh yeah…nice score.

LOL, he sure does. especially when it’s 70 and absolutely PERFECT outside and i’m stuck in here trying to study. makes for a good excuse to get outside. days like this make me hate the CFA. i’m going to take the plunge and do 2PM in a few minutes. looks like no quant, no derivs… this should be right in my wheelhouse. if i don’t score well on this one, i’ll be pissed.

just got 62 on exam 3 a.m. and 63 on p.m…same dang 63 on like 5 exams now. looks like there’s a lot of errata on the first one, so that may bump it up a bit. no steady improvement like last year though

Way more information this year ng30. You are getting different questions on each exam. Even though you aren’t seeing steady improvement, I bet your overall grasp of the material is going up. And that could translate to a pass on the real thing.

Just took my first exam…book 6 exam 1 AM 70% PM 62% ( i hate quant and derivatives) It is like 85 in Seattle today so i was fairly happy sense all i could think about was being outside today

Test 2 AM 73% PM 77% I feel like I just pitched a no-hitter, and I am going to get shelled on my next outing

^ great job first test. advice (i hate derivs also)- review future/FRA’s before you embark on 2AM so you don’t get smoked like i did. 2PM- 75% off to review it now. 3/6 at the corp fi merger crap (i need to review it, i am not strong) and 3/6 on the ICAPM- have a strong feeling this will be on the test, must review this hard tomorrow and do some bigtime PM on qbank.

same with me on the corp finance 2pm bannisja. i need to spend some more time there.

spending time on corp fi mergers tomorrow, 1.5 hours spending time on ICAPM tomorrow, 1 hour forgetting to add the risk free rate to question # 73’s APT model on 2PM to get answer C instead of B and drop my score for this half of the exam by 1.66667%… PRICELESS.

I’m scoring in the 50s. I’ll need a miracle to pass.

Where you been this year Danteshek?

you guys are amazing, how could you score that high?? I thought I was prepared. Just took exam 1am and scored 52%. yeah yeah, stupid mistakes here and there but it’s not acceptable. I will take exam 1pm tomorrow morning and go back to review everything next week. Lots of re-studying need to be done…dang… admire you guys!!

book 6 1am - 63.33 1pm - 68.33 book 7 1am - 66.67 1pm - 66.67 just cant get past the 70 barrier…

Banni don’t worry you will rock on exam day.

took exam 2 pm today and got what else but a 63. so for volume 1 i got 4 63s, a 61 and a 65. also on the cfai free sample i got a 63. what are the odds of that? incredible. it seems i do pretty well on most vignettes and then totally bomb a couple. guess i’ll know where to focus the next couple wks.

Book 1 2 AM 70% 2 PM 78.33% I scored 60% on 1AM and 73% on 1PM last week, took the week to review and it seems to work.

nice work nicolargol… 70% seems elusive to me!