Bosses who like to berate

I’m not saying they’re introverts but observe some proper BSDs and their behaviour. I mean CEOs, successful entrepreneuers that have built empires etc. Yes you’ll get some nippy ones that like the sound of their own voice but the majority will generally be cool, calm and measured. Not just a public persona with clients, with their own people too.

Maybe I’ve misinterpreted AFs definition of a BSD but personally I don’t see the junior to mid level guy or even the fiery PM that spends his life trying to get one up on everyone and worrying about his game as BSDs.

I guess I’m saying that BSDs don’t spend their time measuring their dicks because they already know that it will be the biggest in any room they walk into.

Amen to this. People think that introverted means shy, quiet, anti-social, etc. all negatively related adjectives. Not true at all.

I define introversion as “where we get our energy from”. After a long day, I just need to recharge my batteries and I do this alone. Extraverts can keep going and going without ever getting tired. Not all introverts are shy.

Some famous people such as Bill Gates and Obama are introverts.

OK. But Bill Gates is a classic nerd. The complete opposite of a BSD type personality as I would see it.

To be honest I think it does come down to the definition of a BSD. For me a ‘BSD’ is a term loaded with negative connotations. I mean it is an inherently misogynistic thing. The kind of measured, well-balanced and successful individual Gringo is describing is light years away from the frat boy image of I have of a typical ‘BSD’.

I have always assumed that when people here talk about BSDs and HCBs it is done in an ironic way.

Well documented that Bill Gates is ruthless. Maybe not quite as ruthless as Jobs, but ruthless. Good luck playing in their sandbox. They both are/were BSDs. Funny that people think they could keep up given their appearance.

Bill Gates was not an introvert. Why would you say that? Steve Jobs more so, in that he had few close friends, but still not really. Buffett is more of an introvert, I believe.


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