CLINTON: Please do it because right now in Ohio, I was told there are 60,000 jobs available for skilled work in the trades and these are jobs that go $40,000, $50,000, $60,000 to start. I met a woman welder in Merion who, you know, she got into the program, got her certification in welding, and she’s already moved from $14 dollars an hour to $19 dollars an hour with more increases in sight. So, we have got to open up the trades, but we also have to encourage more people to think about those as an occupation profession.
Yes! Plumbers FTW! Hillary/sanders need to understand that 50% of college grads already take jobs that don’t require a college degree. Getting more people into college with free govt or subsidized college isn’t going to help!
Yup. Making more college graduates doesn’t make more college graduate jobs, it just makes working at Starbucks require a degree. Many more people should go into the trades. I’m certain that 90% of trades jobs are better than working retail (or most other jobs) forever.
Does Hillary even have a conceptual understanding of what is $40k a year? I mean, she’s been a plutocratic overlord for so long that all those numbers probably seem the same.
Yes both Clintons were making boatloads of money giving speeches to wall street, foreign governments, and special interest groups. Coincidently, many of those same groups also donated tons of money to the Clinton foundation and had good fortune in their business dealings as a result. Bribes. Just do it.
Exactly. The Clintons, as democrats, would never do such a thing. That’s as unbelievable as a democrat having a primetime show on a national news network and having guests appear on his show days after they make a contribution to his wife’s congressional campaign fund, or as unbelievable as a member of a democratic president’s cabinet failing to declare income on his taxes, or a prominent advisor to a democratic president failing to pay taxes at all, or a democratic president banging interns in the oval office, or a democratic congressman taking pictures of his junk and texting it to a woman who isn’t his wife. Democrats just don’t do stuff like that.