Broad Topical Overview

Broad Topical Overview ( This will help us see where we have holes and drill down / discuss them. I didn’t include Ethics topics in the below list. There will be many areas where some of us can add additional levels of detail). 1. Behavioural Finance (Understand the definitions of behaviours and Identify the behaviour in a case) 2. PWM - Prepare or Critique an IPS, Return caliculations. Ability to identify risk tolerance. Pick appropriate portfolio 3. Institutional Investors: Prepare or Critique an IPS, Return caliculations. Be able to compare different Institutional investors goals and objectives. Pick appropriate portfolio. Affect of pension plan on WACC. 4. Capital Market expectations - Forming CME, Limitations to Econ Data, Econ Forecasting models, Forecasting exchange rates. 5. Econ - Big picture economic relationships (stocks, bonds, real estate, inflation, growth, currencies), BRICS, Stock market valuation models. 6. Asset Allocation - SAA vs TAA, Corner portfolios, Black litterman, Asset-only, ALM (institutional investors for whom this applies), International issues in Asset Allocation. 7. Bonds - Benchmarking, Active vs Passive investing, Duration, Key-Rate duration, Immunization and Cash Flow Matching, Reasons to trade bonds, Analyzing spreads, Use of leverage, credit risk management, hedging techniques, MBS, International bond portfolio management. 8. Equity - Active/Passive, Returns based vs Style based, Active management - performance attribution, Corp governance, Issues with International Equity Indices, 9. Alternates - Comparision of different classes of alternate investments (return, risk, liquidity, diversification - how it affects portfolio charecterstics when added, benchmarks, benchmark biases), Compensation structures for alternate managers, Hedge fund style charecterstics, commodity swaps vs interest rate swaps, commodity futures (pricing, arbitrage and basis risk) 10. Risk Management - Market risk, credit risk, Risk management process, Financial and non financial risks, risk-return tradeoffs and currency impacts of adding internationalassets to a portfolio, VAR measures - disadvantages, other risk mesurement tools. 11. Derivatives - Forwards, Futures, Options, Swaps (Value, Payoffs). Adjusting portfolio for TAA. 12. Monitoring & rebalancing - Market microstructure, order types, trade costs, Calculating implementation shortfall WVAP, trading tactic types, algorthimic trading, Calender and percentage rebalancing methods, Corridor width determination, Dynamic rebalancing ( CPPI, Buy-hold, constant mix). 13. Perf Evaluation - Perf attribution, risk adjusted measures, breaking down return into components. 14. GIPS - identification of errors or omissions, … This is not a comprehensive list, but a start to look at the big picture and see where we have holes in preparing. Cheers :slight_smile: