anyone purchase the bsas mock exam book? it has 3 full length pratice exams. i am thinking about it, just trying to see if anyone else has used them or has anyone info on them…
I’ve never used them but the resounding opinion around here is that they’re very close to the real thing and definitely worth the money. If you do a search, I believe there was a discussion about this back in April/May some time. good luck.
I took one of their exams in a simulated, timed environment two days prior to my actual Level I exam this past June and it was quite helpful, and as I found out later, very close to the actual exam. I paid $20 for one exam (morning session + afternoon session=1 exam)
hi, I used them for all my three levels and it was very helpful for L1 and L3, L2 was not so great but BSAS is quite close to the real thing and its different from Schweser/Stalla. I recommend it.
Can someone provide a link where this exam is available? I tried googling “BSAS CFA” and it lists the book for 129$. Not seeing anything with 2 exams (full length) at 20$ as stated in the posts above.