CA is 3rd World?

bro i got pushed onto the subway tracks twice just this morning… NYC has nowhere to go but up!

lol last time i was in sf. i went to bar in a location that igor suggested where there are lot of gays. i was with 3 chicks including sister. some gay dude sat next to me. it was weird. i was almost worried to use bathroom. lol

last time i was in san fran was like 15 years ago, i think you got me confused

so…it was in SF?

no it was like castro district. i ate at some poppin italian spot. and these guys just wanted to walk to the nearest bar which had a lot of gays. the bartender was this agressive dyke that got all pissy cuz i asked her to describe a drink. lol

oh look a mentally unstable qanon conspiracy theorist lighting fires in CA

  • dont worry though guys Q told me this was gonna happen! totally a #falseflag by the pedo cabal

edit: also yes im aware of the poor quality source

This is really smart solution - the Poop Patrol.

just kidding its retarded. You get what you vote for.

San Francisco: the shining example of liberal utopia –

I was surprised that even my very liberal brother was displeased with the current state of affairs in SF. These tent towns are really something. They pop up and cops let them go for a while until they get too big and then they move somewhere else. I guess there’s even some sort of hobo network (they all probably still have iPhones) whereby they can communicate and reorganize.

SF really has gone downhill. Too bad. It was awesome when we had a democrat as Pres.

Word is Dirty Mike n the Boyz run that town now.


CA erased old pot convictions. BRAVO!

It’s intentional folks. Manufactured misery for the intentional destruction of humanity:

AP – BREAKING: California to become first state to eliminate bail for suspects awaiting trial under bill signed by governor.

Acid attacks now in the OC. Paradise!

SF starts reminding me of Paris. Been here for 10 years now and goddamn how the city has changed. It used to be really nice. Or it still is really nice if you don’t leave the main streets and boulevards. But take a wrong turn somewhere and suddenly you find yourself in the middle of Bagdad, or at least it feels like it. Tent cities are the new normal and in some parts of town I hear more arabic than french.

And this is in Paris…not in the famous banlieues…where I’d probably be shot if I’d ever decide to go there. Which I’m planning not to.