CAIA Designation Achieved

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to send some motivation for those who are wondering whether to study this or continue due to the last results.

I have just paid for the designation (after writing level 2 in September 2018) and I took a look at the total invoice amount I have paid ($3150 - excluding any study guide features and books). It also took 24 months of my time and hard work. However - once paid for and you get the confirmation e-mail almost immediately. It has to be one of the best feelings in the world!! I am beyond stoked I have achieved it and CAIA I believe was by far the most interesting finance I have ever done. I was and never will be interested in CFA (no offense) and I have completed the Chartered Accounting post-graduate and 3-years of audit. However - CAIA was certainly worth it and highly recommended to anyone considering the alternative side of life!!


Congrats @NewAnalyst; thanks for this post and your Membership. Given the current market environment, portfolio diversification across the entire risk premia spectrum should be top-of-mind.

Well done mate. Hope to follow you soon.

Congrats dude!

I really want the physical Charter though, it still doesn’t feel real just yet.