CAIA Level II grades available Monday April 23

Or so the CAIAA said in their email of last month:

General Level II grades will be available on the CAIA website on April 23.

That’s soon !

Did you receive a notice for the level II september 2012 exam orientation today? I am wondering if its an indication of fail for this past exam… (I sat for level II in march)

I received the letter about level II september 2012 exam orientation too, and I sat for level II in March. Hope it is just a mistake

What I am hoping for… Hoping more people post saying they got it…

I was on the verge of getting a nervous breakdown when I read that e-mail! BUT I remember receiving a similar e-mail just before level 1 result release, so I recovered. Phew.

I did not get this letter.

Good luck all!

I’m think it’s unlikely that the letter went only to L2 March candidates that failed: I received the same letter, and I’m confident that I crushed that weak-ass exam last month.

If the CAIAA events staff had been thinking straight, they would have waited until next week, and then announced the September Orientation Sessions only to candidates that didn’t pass.

Yeah… Thought it was kinda easy too… Yeah, they shoulda waited. Thanks for the info Wendy.


PASSED, Thanks GOD. Good LUCK to everyone!!!


Results out a day early I guess. Passed but was fraking out after getting the September sign up email earlier this week.


Same here. Pretty strange sense of humour from their side, anyway I have just forgiven. :slight_smile: Congrats guys, well done all!


CAIA released results in London around 3:40pm. I passed

Pass for me. I’m shocked. Did not deserve that.

totally nailed it.

Not one person failed? This is suspect. I totally didn’t deserve to pass. I think CAIA needs numbers.