California approves public pension cuts, Arnold buys most ridiculous car ever

“California lawmakers approved the broadest rollback of public-employee pension benefits in the state’s history after Governor Jerry Brown and Democrats who control the Legislature struck a last-minute deal.”

So they are actually making progress with this? I am impressed!

Meanwhile, no longer Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently doesn’t give a shit any more - he just bought a $250,000 10 mpg monster truck.

haha that benz is awesome!

the pension cut is not the highlight here.

This this:

Just a day ago we were reminiscing about that time former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into the law the most sweeping curbs on greenhouse gases in the country, rules that drive the federal government’s march toward a 54.5 mpg average by 2025.

Then he goes and buys a 10mpg monster truck

Do as I say, not as I do.

When Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” was in full swing, someone published an article describing how horrible his own mansion was (partly true acccording to snopes -

That’s why I don’t listen to the following people when they preach anything: politicians, talk-show hosts, priests, anyone on TV, child rearing experts. Life is too short to feel guilty and paranoid about your pleasures especially when some fat cat is talking down to you.

I don’t find anything really wrong with saying the population as a whole should have a certain standard, but people with extraordinary means should be able to pay for extravagance, as long as they do not materially affect the overall numbers.

But according to that same article, Gore pays a big premium to obtain energy from green-sources.

That Benz is so win. #NewLifeAspiration

Isn’t that just a way to keep the masses out? Let the market decide. Taxes and carbon “credits” skew the market to keep the proles down artificially. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.