People calm down ,I started to realize that a lot of us started to post more and more questions ,I think it is normal as we get closer to the exam date we start to panic ,feel that we need to revise a lot of things and that we forgot a lot of things .we don¡¦t need to remember every thing ,that¡¦s why we need only 70% ,I don¡¦t think that 3 more days of hard study will increase your probability of passing ,we worked hard for the last few months all good things we left or ignored will pay us back on the exam day ,so calm down start to release pressure , Will now I will go to watch Petter Olinto Quant and then solve like 100 question ,then a quick review for ALT ,MI ,Der ,Corp Governance and on Friday I will completely relax by reading the great Ethics and just a summary on Economics ƒº
everything else ok , just this statement is weird. “,I don¡¦t think that 3 more days of hard study will increase your probability of passing” everyday single day counts! if someone did not do AI or corp finance earlier, just devote 2 days and you can easily manage >70 score on these sections and you can surely increase your probability of passing. But not studying will surely not help. Anyways I am studying hard.
nothing wrong with posting…it’s normal if we get answers perfet, if not, keep studying believe me…3 more days…they will still make a difference good luck 4 all AF members