Can we score less than 70% and still pass?

Is it set in stone that if you score less than 70%, you fail?

Well, shooting for + %70 seems to be the safest route. But I took this from the CFAI website : Re: MPS “To set the MPS before the administration of the exams would require that an absolute standard be applied without regard to the difficulty of the exams; this could potentially be very unfair to candidates, especially across time.” Re: Score “Candidates should not attempt to interpret an overall passing or failing score from the results matrix information. The minimum passing score for the exam is determined by many factors, and is not a predetermined or specific percentage of the points either for individual topic areas or for the entire exam. Specifically, candidates should not necessarily interpret scores between 50 and 70 percent as passing.” And then theres also the Ethics adjustment to blur the lines a bit more. Thanks CFAI Though, wishful thinking and personal opinion would lead me to conclude that >%70 has got to be a pass.,1136044,1136044#msg-1136044 Look into the Angoff Method

I read that. It’s very good information. I just wanted to know what some other people are thinking about the minimum passing score.

I would say maybe if you score in the high 60’s with a very very high score in ethics but who knows

You can’t fail with a 70. I’d venture to guess that the LII MPS is somewhere around a 65-66.

that’s 40/60 per session – which is 4/6 per vignette on average, and good score on ethics

yea if you can get 4/6 on most of the vignettes and 5/6 on 1 or 2, you should be in good shape IMO