Can't understand men (so feedback please)

I would have at this point:

fine… Honey Boo Boo’s mother?

You tend to be the exception to most rules.

Not likely, but I’m serious, if I spent enough time around her, I’m almost certain there would be a day where I would say yes, briefly. I’ve never spent more than 3 seconds looking at her, so perhaps I’ve made a grave mistake with this assumption.

I would have thought most women over the age of 25 would have figured this out by now, but if you’re a 6 or higher, every male you know has fapped to you at some point. That includes cousins.

you fap to your cousins??? sicko

Have you seen his cousins?

I certainly don’t any more, but as a sexually ignorant 11-14 year old, it absolutely happened.

Jerry! Jerry!

Jebediah Springfield: People, our search is over! On this site we shall build a new town where we can worship freely, govern justly, and grow vast fields of hemp for making rope and blankets.

Shelbyville Manhattan: Yes! And marry our cousins.

Jebediah Springfield: I was- wha… what are you talking about, Shelbyville? Why would we want to marry our cousins?

Shelbyville Manhattan: Because they’re so attractive. I… I thought that was the whole point of this journey.

Jebediah Springfield: Absolutely not!

Shelbyville Manhattan: I tell you, I won’t live in a town that robs men of the right to marry their cousins!

More cushion for the pushin’…

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic. But I really don’t think I am an exception to anything. I am struggling to think of any woman from my surroundings, who wouldn’t have her own (at least one or two) close long term gfs.

bchad knows a thing or two about getting with cousins, or at least their wives.

The exeptions abound:

You’re a woman who has long-term friends

You’re a female finance professional who is presumably attractive

You’re a female finance professional who hikes in the moutains without dying

You’re a Russian female living in NYC who hasn’t dated bchad

You use a trapeze without sex being involved

I’m going to need confirmation on this.

sounds like my future wife

Huh? I just figured that “She’s my cousin!” is the go-to phrase any time your girlfriend sees a photo of you with some other woman. It generally works in Latin America, given that cousins are typically quite numerous.


Hm I have a few friends that I would do anything for. Others are merely acquaintances.

Long term vs short term… I don’t know I’ve moved so much both as a child and older that I don’t realy have childhood friends. I have friends I made in college (one of the best friends as mentioned above) but I’ve only know him for 5 years or so (gay, before we get into he’s not really my friend debate again).

Having never been a man I can’t say for sure, but I might agree that women have a certain tendency to have more superficial relationships. That’s not a bad thing. Those are just acquaintances. But then you label eachother as ‘friends’, which is misleading. I don’t have siblings and my family is just my parents and my grandmother, so I’m very accustomed to being alone, so I don’t really need to pursue shallow convenient relationships, but when they do occur I find it very tiring to keep up and invest my energy into. Some of those turn out to be great friendships. Most don’t.

I think that might be where the women don’t have long term friends things come in. Those aren’t friends. They never were. But you (men) might assume that they were and say women are shallow, hate each other, etc. etc. I don’t hate them… I just can’t be bothered to spend more energy than what is necessary for someone that is just a peripheral acquaintance. Like being a bridesmaid. Ugh.

Re: arranged marriage- stay tuned. I’m lazy so I’ve never bothered to pursue a man before.

Theoretically though, if all men think about sex with practically everyone they meet, and don’t need much convincing no matter the girl, isn’t that saying that whenever a woman asks a guy out, it’s pretty much guaranteed success? That’s not true though. One of your propositions is wrong.

It depends. There’s a difference in asking a guy out for a date and asking him to f–k.

Suppose I’m not interested in a romantic relationship with you. Or that I’m married, or taken, or what have you. If you’re asking me out on a romantic interlude, under the supposition that we might become star-crossed lovers and spend the rest of our lives in eternal bliss, the answer is NO.

However, say to me, " Let’s get drunk and screw.", then as long as you’re not grotesque or disease ridden, then the answer will assuredly be “Yes.”