Career question - people's inputs appreciated

i meant when you submit your experience to CFAI your manager signs off to authorise that it is qualifying experience … however i could be wrong …since i have’nt done it … CIPM is fairly new designation …there have been people in performance for a long time now who have acquired the charter based on only that experience … Maybe the firms that you are refferring to or have dealt with have a different mandate for a Performance analyst position … Performance analysts measure investment results to see where the funds stands against the benchmark .The performance people I know of …measure returns ( time- weighted / dollar weighted ) …do attribution analysis …break it down to as far as the clients request …by sector/industry / asset class / currency / country etc etc … which then goes back to the IM’s or PM’s who determine based on those measurement results how they are doing … based on which they wd reallocate or maintian thier holdings … In some cases Performance people also assess risk . Pension or endowment funds that assign part of thier portfolio to other external IM’s to manage want to know how the IM’s are performing . There is more importance to interpreting performance results lately since investors on the whole are becoming more demanding and/or educated/ sophisticated . THis definitely falls under – evaluating or applying financial, economic, and/or statistical data as part of the investment decision-making process involving securities or similar investments I know this cuz i just interviewed for a positon last week …and know a few ppl in oerformance …

sorry i just saw your other post … the Performance positions that I was referring to aresnt so much IT , The only IT part of the job is to analyse and sort data to get useful information form the raw data …