cfa and financial modelling

what is the right time to learn financial modelling for a cfa candidate? what do you guys think?

After finishing Level I, that should be all you need to start modeling financials and making forecasts.

You should start ASAP. All employers want you know how to build and use financial models [excel].


My advice is that you should start while learning the curriculum. For instance, to model certain blue box proplems or general concepts in Excel will help you to understand the underlying mechanics of most concepts (e.g. leasoing or bond valuation).My advice is that you should start while learning the curriculum. For instance, to model certain blue box problems or general concepts in Excel will help you to understand the underlying mechanics of most concepts (e.g. leasing, depreciation schedules, portfolio theory or bond valuation).

A good book to start is “Financial Modeling” from Simon Benninga.

Regards, Oscar

Any good free online materials to help with learning modelling? Or should we just start with a set of financials and make some rough projections?
