CFA Curriculam using eReader

Has anyone used CFA ebooks for referencing CFA curriculum? from next year by default CFA institute is going to issue only ebooks but not the paperbacks. and has anyone tried these books in Kindle or Sony or Nook ereaders? I would like to use in the ereaders rather than referencing bulky books.

I was considering something similar, the weight of the curriculum really limits mobility. The only cfai ebook i’ve heard about is vitalsource bookshelf format which is only (i think?) supported on ipad/iphone/itouch via the bookshelf noteview app. Someone please correct me if i’m wrong. If anyone has experience/comments I’d be interested to hear before dropping $300-$900 on an e-reader that doesn’t work well for studying.

Didn’t use the ebooks because I couldn’t justify spending extra when you are forced to buy the books anyway. Is there a link for the decision to make ebooks the default option? That said, e-readers aren’t well supported in Australia, which makes it hard to justify spending the extra $, so I will probably still get the hard copy (unless I have to re-sit Leverl 1). I fear having a Kindle or similar might also be psychological for me - another gadget, another distraction.

alman888 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Didn’t use the ebooks because I couldn’t justify > spending extra when you are forced to buy the > books anyway. > > Is there a link for the decision to make ebooks > the default option? That said, e-readers aren’t > well supported in Australia, which makes it hard > to justify spending the extra $, so I will > probably still get the hard copy (unless I have to > re-sit Leverl 1). I fear having a Kindle or > similar might also be psychological for me - > another gadget, another distraction. Flexible Access through 2010 With a compatible browser, you can access study materials from the internet or directly from the computer when internet connections are not available. As you make notes, highlight sections, etc., changes are automatically synchronized between the web and your downloaded content. You also have the flexibility of being able to download the content to a second computer. Your eBook purchase provides digital access to the 2010 curriculum for the June or December 2010 exams. For example, if you buy a Level 1 eBook and you do not pass the June exam, you can continue using the Level 1 2010 eBook for the December exam. Access to the 2010 curriculum eBook will expire on 15 December 2010. For 2011 curriculum and exams, all candidates will need to purchase a new eBook.

So, to be clear, are you saying that in the future we will be given the choice between paying $220 for the hard copies or $50 for the eBook? Or is the $220 still mandatory and the $50 is an extra option? I didn’t use the books much for Level I, used mostly Schweser with the CFA books as references and for the Ethics/GIPS section. I would rather save that $220 and apply it towards more Schweser/Stalla products…

I just browsed it very quickly, got the impression that it’s a separate product, not related to CFA Institute but something you buy from a company called “Pearson”.

Pearson is the company that publishes the CFA Institute Curriculum, so I don’t think that means anything special…

@ CareerThruCFA Do note excerpt from the link your provided: “As a registered candidate, you will automatically receive a printed version of the curriculum regardless of whether or not you purchase the eBook. (You cannot opt for an eBook instead of print curriculum for 2010 because of existing agreements with our publishers and copyright holders.)” In short, there’s no mention of what will happen next year and beyond. Not sure whether it implies e-books will be the default choice…maybe. Anyway, it’s extra revenue (and subsequent profit) to a locked-in buyer - why would they let it go?

alman888 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @ CareerThruCFA > > Do note excerpt from the link your provided: > > “As a registered candidate, you will automatically > receive a printed version of the curriculum > regardless of whether or not you purchase the > eBook. (You cannot opt for an eBook instead of > print curriculum for 2010 because of existing > agreements with our publishers and copyright > holders.)” > > In short, there’s no mention of what will happen > next year and beyond. Not sure whether it implies > e-books will be the default choice…maybe. > Anyway, it’s extra revenue (and subsequent profit) > to a locked-in buyer - why would they let it go? I know that you receive printed edition for 2010 dec exam, i am talking about 2011 june exam since as they mentioned it. “For 2011 curriculum and exams, all candidates will need to purchase a new eBook.”

I think this suggests that you wont be able to use the 2010 ebook in 2011. If you wish to access the ebook in 2011, you must buy a new one.

Thinking about it a bit more, princealley is correct on this.

I’m interested to hear if anyone has tried this with the iPad app.

Anyone? ohnomrbill Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I’m interested to hear if anyone has tried this > with the iPad app.

I have the ‘big’ DX Kindle… great for reading not for books you want to reference. You can’t write notes. Its very tough to find that item you remember but don’t know were the heck it is. The one real advantage is you can sit at your desk at the office and read with out drawing attention to yourself on your desk top or on your laptop in public areas. From my experience there is nothing like the real book if you want to take notes but more importantly when you get to the next exam its going to be much easier to look up the random items if you have the books. I believe the ebooks for the exam “expire” you’ll be out of luck if you want to review something in a few years. Good luck!