CFA designation and current financial crisis

As we all know, we are currently in the huge world financial crisis. I just wonder how does everyone forsee about pursuing their career as CFA?

Nothing in life is permanent - this crisis will be over the best thing we can do is study hard and get the Charter.

Not to mention you can always burn your books for heat when you’re done…

its called business cycle.

Joe2010, I agree with you that nothing is permanent; nevertheless, seeing the investment banking falling one after another definitely makes investor as well as finance ppl lose confidence.

mmm… What I am thinking is: study hard -> Pass all 3 levels -> get the charter, and be ready to get into the rising market, when it recovers…

if you pass all 3 levels in 1st attempt then also…it would take june 2010… why you are thinking about 2010 right now…

daj224 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > its called business cycle. Haha, I don’t think that’s the problem!

daj224 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > its called business cycle. Completely agree with you daj. Just because the markets down, doesn’t mean you should give up the hard work. Alot of people havent been around to see a down market – its just part of the cycle!

completely agree with business cycle. if you think about, because the Charter focuses alot on ethics and acting in a professional manner, our Charter will be in even more demand in the near to medium future. People want honesty and having the CFA letters at least increases the probability that the professional you’re working with thinks about ethical behaviors.

djjk1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > daj224 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > its called business cycle. > > > Completely agree with you daj. Just because the > markets down, doesn’t mean you should give up the > hard work. \ i was actually agreeing you. because of the cycle, it is now a good time to ramp up and kill these exams. I did CAIA I and CFA I this summer b/c I am still on job hunt…I cant imagine crushing them while working on the sell side.