Anyone having any interesting cfa related dreams…?
Yep, I constantly miss the exam for a 1000 reasons.
i wish - just not sleeping
Last night… I had a dream that I kicked ass on the test. Then when I was out for dinner afterwords I realized that I didn’t put my name on the test. Proceeded to call proctors, CFAI etc, but basically I was screwed.
I dreamed that the calculation for carve outs was on the exam: cash proportion = (Stocks/(Stocks+Bonds)xCash => Return = Stocks proportion X Stock returns + Cash X Cash proportion One way at least
that I refer to myself as a ‘CFA’ and loose my charter within the first week - they allow me to gain it back, but have to resit all the exams
I had a dream that I went to a gentlemen’s club at lunch and they got raided and I missed the afternoon portion. Looks like it’ll be quiznos for me on saturday.
i keep dreaming that i’ve just finished the exam, it’s the worst waking up realizing i haven’t taken it yet!