CFA Exam Test Center

I received a confirmation of my exam test center location yesterday evening (at the location that I signed up for)… then today received another confirmation that the exam will take place at another location which is nearly 2 hours away from me??

No reason for this to change last minute… wondering if anybody else has had this happen? this is in London FYI…

I’d contact the test center and verify what’s going on. The test center can verify which location you should show up to, in case of confusion. You definitely don’t want to go to the wrong one, they won’t have a reservation for you there. So you should check to make sure it wasn’t some error that you got the second email. Good luck!

I’ll try get hold of them tomorrow first thing. Ending up at the wrong test centre would be a nightmare

Good luck with the final exam too!

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I booked for London Bridge initially and then in March I got an email that I was moved to East Croydon, which is not ideal.

Wow that is ridiculous. Where have they moved you to if you don’t mind me asking?

I was originally scheduled for North London but then I got moved to Croydon

I’m praying that they don’t move mine again but it looks like I’m going to prepare myself

I was initially booked in for a test centre East London, and they’ve moved me to Croydon too! looks like they’re cramming us all in there?

Got another email from Prometric this morning stating that the reason for moving me was a closure of the original test centre. Called the East London test centre this AM, and they said they are still open and running… and asked me to call Prometric

In sum, i have no clue what is happening tomorrow… but i’m going to Croydon as that’s what it says on my candidate portal on the CFA I website

They’ve had such a long time to prepare for this. Sounds like they couldn’t organise a ■■■■ up in brewery.

Lets hope they don’t mess us about anymore and we can just sit the exam without any issues