CFA L3 CBT exams

Hello all,

Can someone recommend a good provider for CFA L3 CBT mock exams?

Also, for those who have recently sit for the exam. Does CBT exams provide you with any blank paper or tablets to do some scratch work?

Thank you,

I am not sure if providers have now updated to CBT (I took the exam in June, none had at that time), anyway I wouldn’t worry much, you have vignette text on the left and question with blank space on the right of the monitor.

They gave you blank paper and a pen.

Great, good to know they provided paper + pen :+1:

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Haha…S2000/ Bill you are marketing your own mocks. Lol ?

With that being said , indeed you have the most comprehensive set of mock exams i came across for L3. Your mocks not only reinforced learning , but also helped in filling knowledge gaps in my preparation.
That nasty Simon Milsap BB #5 in fixed income runs over 10 pages in the curriculum , there aren’t EOC questions either on carry trade that could be solved in a reasonable amount of time , i simply couldn’t figure out how CFAI will test it on the exam keeping time considerations in mind , but you have that as a first question in one of your mocks.

Your mocks helped enormously in crossing the final hurdle.

Good to hear!


Hi S2000magician,

If we have already purchased the old 5 exams, do you think we will require new mock exam#6 or upcoming 7(if any)?

Interested to get more high quality mocks from you!


When I shuffled the exams around to make them 132 minutes, they came out to 6 whole exams and part of a seventh. So if you have the five 180-minute exams you’ll have all of the questions from the new exams 1 - 6 (though a couple of the questions have been slightly rewritten, mainly to add clarity), and all but two of the questions in exam 7 (which will be available on my website in about 2 weeks; it’s in review/evaluation/editing at the moment).

I’ll have the first afternoon exam up within about a week, and you’ll have access to that as well. I’m busily working on a second, and I’ll get as many done as I can in time for the November exam. If you already have access to the morning exams, you’ll automatically get access to the afternoon exams.

(I was thinking about writing a question on the advantages of a barbell delta hedge strategy, but one of my candidates has mostly dissuaded me from doing so. But only mostly.)

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Thanks for the clarification, S2000magician!
I shall log in later this week to check for the accessibility and I will be more than happy if the question on advantages of barbell delta hedge strategy will be included as well. :wink: