Post your results here
bump…here we go!
Investopedia Term of the Day email just made me crap myself when I saw that (1) pop up. Dammit.
George Bailey effect …
Where are the results, I cant stand the waiting
Any minute now…
Got my email, I failed…Shit
seriously? what band if you dont mind me asking?
I am just joking, I think it comes in an hour or something.
anybody got a handle on the pass rate? i hear you can find that before you get your results…
I hate you for making me refresh my inbox 50 times!
This time!!! its trolling us
Haha sorry man, I will probably fail for being a jerk!
13 longest minutes of my life!
sarcasm? can’t possibly be…display pic is solid!
Still waiting… At least the forums are still up and running!
Any info on overall pass percentages ?
do check the spam folder !!
Nope, nothing in the spam box but how to find singles in my area…