CFA Level 2 Bay Area Study group formation

I’m looking to start a study group either in the Bay area or virtually. I just posted a message in the Miami/Virtual group thread. If anyone is located in the Bay area and wants to join me in studying let me know. I live in San Francisco. I can also do this virtually if there are no local people. I’m ready to go and would like to start reviewing quant on Nov. 2 and form the rest of a study schedule.


Hey, I’m also studying for level 2 and live/work in SF. Do you have some good spots in mind where we can get together?

Awesome, yes. I’m actually working with the SFCFA Society to set up a group and they even said they would let us use the office to meet depending on when we can meet. They are located at 300 Montgomery. I’m still trying to get some clarification on that. At least one other person so far also wants to meet, that makes three of us. I just sent out an email to a group of candidates to see if they want to get going in a study group now too. I want to wait a few days to see if anyone else responds. So stay tuned, I’ll put another message up here this weekend with more details on when we’ll be meeting for the first time.

are you planning to take their class? i’ve been thinking about it.

I’m not going to take their class. I took their CFA level 1 class and went to some of their classes for level 2 and did not find it helpful. Most people I’ve talked to did not find it helpful but a few people did.

We are going to be meeting this Tuesday evening, October 29 at 6 pm. We will likely be meeting at the CFA Society office at 300 Montgomery St., Suite 1130. You are welcome to join us. It looks like we should have a good group, I’m expecting about 6 other people besides myself to show up. That’s not bad to start. I find that over time the number of people that consistently attend study group sessions dwindles so the more the merrier. If you give me your email address, I will add you to the distribution list so you can be in the loop. I can also forward it to Dave at the CFA Society who has been helping us coordinate a study group.

Hope to see you Tuesday.


To anyone else who wants to join us, email me and I will add you to our email distribution list. After a little while I may not check this site very often. My email address si

emailed. Hope to join the next study group!