CFA Level II - Downtown Toronto - WEEKLY/ONE HOUR

I would like to set up a weekly CFA Level II study group for Downtown Toronto. I live down by Spadina and Front, but would be open to moving from one cafe to another to keep things fair for the members. Study groups are a great way to: * stay motivated * share resources * share advice * seek help * think out loud I am in it mainly for staying motivated. It is a motivating knowing that I am working with others who are doing and going through the same thing, and it forces me to keep up to date with my studies. We should try to keep sessions around 1-2 hours long, and I will try to facilitate things to ensure that everything remains comfortably efficient. Please post here or private message me if you’re interested.

I must be seriously missing something - how do you send a PM on this forum? I’ll be taking the Schweser in-person class, which runs 12:30 - 3:30 on Saturdays, starting end-Jan. So meeting just before or just after works for me. What meeting times do you have in mind?

you’re actually right. There is no private messaging in this forum. Please email me at or leave your email in this thread. Once we have enough people, I will send out a more official email. Anyone is welcomed to join at any time. I will have to warn though, leechers are discouraged, and this group is targeted towards those who are truly motivated and in a position to contribute somehow.

i would love to join if the group is small, find it more productive that way. Passed level one last December. Using Schweser this year, and I have finished 2/3rds of Quants and Eco.

We will definitely try to keep this group small and especially productive. please email me if you’re interested. my email is
