CFA Local Socieites

Is it a good idea to join these for networking purposes? I am a level 1 candidate and take the test on Saturday (I am feeling pretty good about it). Anyways, I live in central Illinois and work at a bank but hope to get a financial job in Chicago after level 2 next June (if I pass). Would joining the Chicago CFA Society be beneficial for networking and finding a job in a year or two?

Your spelling is terrible.

You get the point.

your face is terrible. either shut up or contribute. to the OP: i havent used the local cfa society for networking, but overall its a very useful source of info. a MUCH better source of info than this website, in fact. i don’t think joining will get you a job any time soon, but it definitely could down the road. 1-2 yrs and after passing L2 is a pretty reasonable time line, from what i hear. i think it depends on the society too. the one i talk to is legit. i would assume chicago has a pretty good cfa society. also, i think you need sponsorship to join a society, but that might vary from society to society: see ‘affiliate membership’:

mr1234 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > but overall its a very useful > source of info. a MUCH better source of info > than this website. Cheap shot!!

Anyway, networking…not so much. You meetin interesting speakers at your local event and can learn a lot. Plus, the food is good too.

ws Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyway, networking…not so much. You meetin > interesting speakers at your local event and can > learn a lot. Plus, the food is good too. this is true. I had a Salmon at the Harry Markopolous speech in Boston that nearly made me “O” face