CFA Regular Membership - Application automatically withdrawn after 18 days

Dear AF,

Had submitted my application for regular membership on August 13, 2014 along with the requisite references. Had not applied for local society membership (my understanding is that this is voluntary).

My work experience got approval from CFA Institute in 2 days and since then the status was shown as “Under review - Local Society” till August 28, 2014. Today when I logged in, to my shock and disbelief, the status of application reflected “Withdrawn”…i havent withdrawn my application. I have E-mailed CFA Institute on this and am awaiting their reply.

Would be glad if fellow AF members could guide me on this.

Thanks in advance, Jishnu

i’m still in the process of applying, but the experience has been, the online application system is sometimes a bit confusing…

best thing i would say is to call up their call centre and see what they have to say…

+1 on calling them up. I found them surprisingly reachable and helpful, even when I called them on results day.

Local membership is optional only after you are a charterholder. To become a charterholder, you must join a local society.
