CFA Result Announcement Date Email

Did any of you guys recieve an email sometime at the start of this month from CFA institute regarding when the results will be announced??

Tuesday July 28 starting at 9 AM EST

When did they send an email? Can you paste the contents of the email here?

It was sent about 3 weeks ago, basically said that an email would be sent 9 AM EST with the scores. Could be later depending on the email server.

You guys are lucky your results are in several hrs while L3 folks have to wait another two weeks…

Best of luck !

Thank you. Found it. It was in spams folder. Would have got deleted automatically in a day or two. I thought they dont send that mail to people who have failed. :). Very bad thoughts coming to mind no matter how hard I try to remain cool!!!

Either you fail or pass, you will receive that email. As far as I know, the only time you do not receive it is when you are subject to PCP Investigation.