CFA Results and a Round of Golf--Character Revealers

I posted this the past couple of years and I thought I’d repost as it seems appropriate given that this was “results” week. My best to all of you who are slugging it out in this program. I had a friend tell me once (I think correctly) that he could learn much about a person from playing a round of golf with him. He could see how the guy responded to setbacks and adversity, if he had a sense of humor, how he responded to success, how he carried himself in general, how he responded to others’ successes, etc… The CFA results also show alot about people----every year we have some GENUINE IDIOTS on the various boards bragging their two weeks of study, their “3 for 3”, or even worse—putting others down who fell short. Thankfully though—there a bunches of people who’ve been through this process, know how challenging it is and who are trying to lift up those who fell short this year. For those who failed–I am very, very sorry. I know it is tough (from my own experience!). But please realize that most of us know (even if your family, friends, co-workers don’t) how uniquely difficult, time-consuming, and trying this program is—and it is only getting worse over time. If it didn’t work out for you this year and you really want the designation—please hang in there. Normal people can get this thing—it’s just more of a “war of attrition” than most of us have ever encountered in other academic pursuits. If you failed (and maybe even failed and failed and failed, etc…) and then manage to come back and hang tough and eventually get the thing (no matter how “ugly” the process looked), you have my greatest respect and the respect of most of the people on this board. My two cents.

Excellent post!

Very good post. Well said

Good post mjp.

good post

Very classy post

I think that’s really true. Especially the part about being able to tell a lot about people by the way they respond to various ups and downs on the golf course and in CFA

Yes, I agree. A very classy post.

Absolutely true…the sacrifices made by those who balance many things in life to do this program, pass or fail, earns the respect instantly of those who’ve been there as well. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those that pick themselves up and go back at it.

Oh, forgot to mention…on Tuesday when I got my results…I packed up and went golfing for the rest of the day…

Very excellent post!

Great post - Probably the best advice you cang give. “Giving up is not failing; giving up is cheating yourself.”

Great post…it really is amazing (and disappointing) how people have reacted to their successes and failures in regards to these tests. Reading these forums, I’ve been more surprised by some of the people who passed. Rather than showing some humility, or offering support/advise to those who didn’t make it, I’ve seen posts where people boasted how easy it was, or how little they needed to study. On another finance related website, I saw a person denigrate a L2 passer’s intelligence b/c he studied for 5 months in order to pass. Apparently, he only needed 2 weeks. You really can tell a lot about a person about how they handle success and failure…and those who spent those long, hard hours locked away only to come up short, and are still willing to give it another shot are an inspiration to me.

Someone pass me the sickness bag…

oh oh. chrismaths went down on his girlfriend again.

I thought I smelled something fishy…that explains it.

I wish I could have scored the same on the test as I normally DO on the golf course… I have just proven to the world that I suck at BOTH now… ;-D Thanks for the post! - its keeping me going…

That settles it. I am going to get some personal trainer for my golf game, because realistically, golf is way more important for my career than CFA. And since they covered CFA, I am pretty sure all my golf training will be covered as well.

Any golf souvenir in the curriculum pack this time?

Excellent post indeed. Along those same line, one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received was from my uncle who told me, “No one can ever blame you for failing, but they can blame you for not trying again”.