CFA Sample Exam ($40 USD one)

Did anyone take the Sample Exam? There are two versions, $40 each.

I find it extremely hard to focus on questions through a computer screen especially for ethics. And I can’t seem to go back and see what I have done wrong…

66% - failed

How did you do?

I took one. 70% exactly. Nice questons but:

  1. Taking it online is a pain

  2. Couldn’t review my incorrect answers.

I took both and failed both with 66%. Felt there were at least a few questions in both exams where I made careless mistakes. They’re good practice but you can’t really review them after. Also I felt reading the questions in that tiny little font made things more difficult especially the ethics questions. Maybe it was just my browser settings? Idk?

Took 1-- wasn’t aware of the format and got rattled – 58%

Took 2nd-- bit more focused, still in a hurry – 60%.

Finished both in 1 hr-- but you can’t go back!

Studied for a week- took mock at 73.33% in approx 4 1/2 hrs. Much easier when you can go back/ take your time.

I think they are definitely worth it because they are hard as hell, I got a 63% on the first one and a 68% on the second one. It is a bit awkward because they don’t let you save or print the results (they want you to take the exam again and pay for it, but that’s a rip off in my view - Schweser charges less per test if you do the math, without such limitations).

But despite the fact that they’re expensive and limited, they are very worth it and I will do it again for the next level. Nothing like a hard exam to kick you in the butt and force you to get nervous!