CFA Scholarship

Did anybody apply for and got scholarship two times in a row?

For June 2019 level II exam I received scholarship. Want to apply again for level III June 2020. The thing is, the winners will be chosen after Dec. 1st, but the deadline for early registration is October 2nd. If I don’t win, then I’ll pay $300 more for standard registration fee.

Is it better to apply and wait for the results, or pay early fee. I believe if u paid already exam fee, then u will not receive scholarship even though you’ve been chosen for it, or am I wrong?

The payoff is:

$250*0.5 + $1000*0.5 = $625



If you apply for the scholarship but don’t get selected, you will still be able to register paying the early bird fee. At least this was the case few years back so you might want to confirm if it’s still the case.

Last year for the access scholarship it was a $150 rebate if you are not selected, which only partially offsets the difference between the early and regular exam registration fee