CFA Studying and Supplements

Hello, Right now I just use protein shakes (morning, afternoon, before bed, and post workouts) What is the proper way to utilize creatine supplements? Morning and post workout with protein supplements?

Usually you need a carb to help absorb the creatine. A lot of how you absorb the creatine is how you “load” it into your body. Most people do a ramp where they start with "X"mgs of creatine then ramp up to full doseage, some start with doseage + x mgs. I suggest you read up on how to properly use it because i think some of what I wrote here is wrong. I do about 100 - 150 grams of protein post workouts.

Just add more good carbs to my diet Thanks Nuppo

:wink: carbs are good to help protein absorption as well. I usually go with 9 or 12 grain bread or pasta with veggies a starch and fruit.

Buy the good creatine and it will be blended with protein and amino acids for maximum effectiveness. I stay away from that stuff now. Taking the gnc daily cocktail got me too worries about long term adverse effects.

TI BA 2 Plus > HP 12C Regards, Ananda

Also, make sure you have some good multi-vitamins. Not, like centrium daily. I personally take Animal Pak. It is a decent multi, however, I can tell it is on the lwoer end of the quality spectrum b/c my pee is highlighter yellow, even though I drink 4-5 liters of water/day.

CREATINE Consumption: Almost all creatines are sold premixed with fast burning carbs (sugar) to allow for absorption. Timing: Some people take it before, some after, some before and after, and some during. Just read the label on the brand you buy and do what it says. Brand: I use Gaspari’s size on. It absorbs super-quickly, tastes ok, and is cheaper than muscletech. Do not use muscletech as it is a total waste of money. Type: There are many different forms of creatine (not just monohydrate). Read up on them and choose what is best for you. Benefits: Creatine definitely works. It is the most researched and proven-effective supplement there is. It can help put on 5-15 lbs quickly, it helps you do more reps and at higher weights (for short bursts, not endurance type stuff). It is naturally occuring in steak, so it is not bad for you. It enhances your skins ability to protect from sunburn. Downside: It dehydrates you a lot. Drink lots of water and get chapstick. MULTIVITAMINS Complete waste of money. Countless studies have shown that they do not do anything. This is the biggest joke in the supplement industry. Protein: A note here… morning, pre, post, and pre-bed is ideal as you suggested. However, at bed time, casein is better than whey as it absorbs slowly, so you make it to morning without losing muscle.

storko - are you trying to put on muscle mass? If so, make sure you’re getting adequate rest between workouts and make sure you’re eating above maintenance calories. Otherwise, you won’t see much change. nuppal - you’re getting 150 g protein in one meal? How much are you eating in the entire day? Anything above 1.5 x bodyweight in lbs is just a waste and very excessive. You should aim for just over 1 gram per 1 lb of lean body mass.

RealWarriorsOnlyPlease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > MULTIVITAMINS > Complete waste of money. Countless studies have > shown that they do not do anything. This is the > biggest joke in the supplement industry. lol I guess my double whopper with extra bacon and my large iced coffee from Dunkin donuts really services all of my vitamin needs. In reality, even if you only ate steamed veggies and fish with all your meals you woudln’t be maxing out your vitamin intake. **EDIT** Found this: If you’re trying to take multivites to ward off cancer then I think you have more issues… Even if you do (somehow) manage to eat like a hoss and fulfill all of your vitamin needs why not be safe rather than chance it?

FreeRider Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nuppal - you’re getting 150 g protein in one meal? > How much are you eating in the entire day? > Anything above 1.5 x bodyweight in lbs is just a > waste and very excessive. You should aim for just > over 1 gram per 1 lb of lean body mass. 100-150g in a shake (4 or 5 scoops). I weigh 165, and I estimate maybe 10-12% BF, so my return is maxed out, however, my eating habits are sporadic at best b/c of work and other things.

i had an injury to my shoulder and have been slowly easing back to the weights. should i wait until i get back to what i was lifting before. before i add creatine supplements t my diet? i am around 10 percent body fat, i want to add more muscle mass

You guys are going about it all wrong, at least from what I have read. The combination of the right workout plus eating properly is the only way to develop more lean muscle so I will try to summarize. One major muscle group a week on different days (chest, back, quads, hamstrings). Major lifts, bench-touch your chest or do dumbbells at least with every workout, no half lifts. Quads-squats all the way down or leg press, right angle of the knee at least before extending. Hams-Deadlifts, proper form. No substitute. At most 50gs of protein at a time, any more and its a waste, 3 hours apart preferably. Mix with shake with fiber (metamucil) before bed, slows the absorbtion. Change up the reps, try 20-10-5 rotating every month, 20 reps of everything for 1 month, 10 reps next, etc. Stretch well, muscle needs to grow long with your tendons, not just out. At least 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Your body will instincively release more testosterone with the major lifts, causing increased muscle growth. You will feel this 2 days after a really good leg workout. Lift for form, not weight. People who pack on the extra weight but lift poorly not only look stupid to actual lifters, but risk getting hurt while lifting and afterward because their muscle isnt functional.

BizBanker, I disagree with you strongly on some of your post, as there is no one right way to get bigger/stronger. Everyone has to do what is right for their body, which can only be ascertained by hitting the gym. 1. You dont have to touch your chest. If your arms are super long, or you have had shoulder injuries, you should do what feels right. also, if you are plateau busting, you might do partial reps. 2. Squats- again, if you are tall, this is more of a back workout than a leg workout. 3. You can eat more than 50gs of protein if it is slow-digesting, for example when you eat meat. 4. Static stretching is only helpful post-workout. Pre-workout, static stretching is no better than not stretching at all. Dynamic stretching is preferred for pre-workout. Storko, you can add creatine whenever you want, though you might want to wait until you plateau to start, as it is a good plateau buster. Credentials- bench 375, leg press 990.

Yeah storko I wouldn’t worry so much about the creatine supplements. Just set up a consistent program to get you lifting again and to get you strong. The incremental benefit of creatine is so minute, you can worry about that after you’ve made some solid gains. Follow bizbanker’s great advice except I would make the following changes. Stiff legged deadlifts for hams and conventional deadlifts on back days. I would never go over 15 reps on anything. If you’re lifting for 20 reps your weight is too light to make a difference. Go as heavy as you can to push out 12-15 (or 8-10) reps with proper form. And finally, stay off the smith machine!! When we say squat, we mean in the cage with a barbell on your back. (or at least that’s what I mean hehe)

If you’re feeling squats primarily in your back, you are not using proper form. I don’t care how tall you are. Keep in mind the great thing about compound movements such as squats and deadlifts is that they work a large number of muscles in one movement. The squat should still primarily target your quads though.

lol no smith for me. i am alternating placing the barbell on my back and front. Day 1: chest (dumbbell one week, then barbell next) - abs Day 2: back Day 3: shoulders - abs Day 4: legs Day 5: arms and full body - abs I change it up quite a bit so my body does not get use to a routine. I run 2 miles before each workout for cardio, but dont concentrate on running as much because I am a skinny guy already. I normally keep my routine during I study. I dont want to get huge cause I have invested a lot in my suits. Just protein supplements for now.

hehe. Yeah, that would be terrible to outgrow your suits. Do you want some constructive critisism about your routine or are you happy to keep doing it as is? (i.e., should I keep my mouth shut??)

i have more invested in suits then stocks… kind of sad please criticize and say ‘bro’ after each sentence.

storko Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lol > no smith for me. i am alternating placing the > barbell on my back and front. > > Day 1: chest (dumbbell one week, then barbell > next) - abs > Day 2: back > Day 3: shoulders - abs > Day 4: legs > Day 5: arms and full body - abs > This is exactly like my routine. Day 1-Chest (Alternate between BB and DB)- Max DB is 90lbs (hit it last night!) Max BB is 215 Day2-Legs Day 3-Rest/Recover Day 4-Back Day 5-Shoulders Day 6-Loooooooooong walk Day 7-Rest I usually bike to the gym, I am thinking when i start this new job I might wake up 1 hour early and swim for 30 minutes before work then go to work then lift…