CFA Test Center in Long Island, NY

Hi all- I’m wondering whether anyone knows the test center in Long Island New York? I know they have different facilities for candidates at different levels in the city, but I’m not sure about Long Island. Since I didn’t have much luck sitting exams in the city, I’m thinking about switching to the Long Island test center. As long as it’s not located in the easternmost part in Long Island, I’d love to try my luck there. If you have any information, please let me know! Thanks! :slight_smile:

It’s exit 49 on the LIE. Not sure how big it is or how many people will be there. I took the first actuarial exam there, it’s a lot more low key than javits but a little out of the way. On saturday morning there shouldn’t be much traffic, so you could probably get there in 45 min from the city, less from brooklyn or queens.

I took L2 at the Hofstra campus in Uniondale. Im not sure if thats where the test center you are referring to is but I thought it was better than being in NYC. Probably only about 100 people taking the test. A far cry from the madness in the city. I enjoyed and it worked for me!

I sat for LI and LII on Long Island. The number was a bit more than 100 both years. A full gym for each so I’d say close to 300. All levels at the same location. LI was held at Hoftra University in Uniondale for the '07 exam LII was held at Suffolk Community College in Brentwood for the '08 exam I am hoping for Hofstra again - Suffolk CC was in bumbleF***. Depressed area, not too many businesses or major roads, etc. I ate at this really bad restaurant at lunch time that still leaves a bad taste in my stomach. Generally the sites are centrally located. No way they would hold it out in say the Hamptons.