I have a question is the Certified Fiancial Analyst and the Chartered Financial Analyst the exact samething?
Probably. I don’t think there is such a thing as a certified financial analyst, but many people assume the C in CFA stands for “CertIfied.”. If there were a certified financial analyst designation, there would almost certainly be legal action from the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute for trademark infringement.
I forget exactly. But wasn’t there some organization that tried to pass off as CFA, with a slightly different wording, and there was some big legal battle?
I think there has been legal dispute between Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and CFAI over use of CFA trademark or sth.
There is an Indian CFA institute, and there was some squabble about how the trademarks were infringing on each other. At one point the CFAI that we know here in the US had to cancel the exams in India due to legal action. Candidates for the exams either had to leave India to take the exams they’d registered and studied for, though I think there was also an option to be refunded and/or take the exam later (after things had been worked out).
I saw a job ad a while ago looking for a “Certified Financial Analyst”. From the job description, it was obvious to me that they meant Chartered Financial Analyst.
Haha, I was confused as well. Suppose Chartered Financial Analyst is the correct term to use
Surprised that the Cat Fanciers’ Association hasn’t sued CFA. Those guys are the real thing.
Or Chick-Fil-A.
I think there is a Certified Senior Financial Advisor, or CSFA. (More useless alphabet soup, IMHO.) I don’t recall if there has ever been a dispute between them and CFAI, though.
How is this not a trademark violation with the CFA institute?
Certified Florida Appraiser (CFA) designation???
^another arif irfanula type promotion i believe.
We joke about it, but I went to a pet show with the girlfriend recently. Those guys are hardcore about everything cats.