CFAI questions appearing on the actual CFA exam?

Hey all, I’ve read in some past posts that candidates have actually seen some CFAI practice exam questions appearing on the actual CFA Level 1 Test. Does anyone know if there’s any validity to that? It would be nice to get a few “free points” on the test. It makes sense if you think about it…there are 300 questions (total) between those 5 practice tests and if the CFA institute wants to encourage us to spend more $$ on their products, it seems like that would be an incentive for people to buy more of these practice tests. Hopefully even if there are no duplicates appearing on the actual test, the concepts will be identical with just some rearranged info. Here’s to wishful thinking! Good luck everyone!

i think the people meant that they saw “past” exam questions on the samples…

No they didn’t mean that. When I took Level I this past weekend, there were some of the same questions from the CFAI practice tests on the actual tests.

i believe lehmetelya is correct. i bought 4 of those practice exams and i did see a few on the dec 2007 exam. some of them had the same concepts, but reversed the critical word. i.e. instead of “increase,” it was “decrease.” i didn’t understand why CFAI put out the answers to those practice exams when you couldn’t even look at the questions after you’ve answered them since you can’t print them. or at least that’s what they said. but get creative, you’ll find ways to freeze that image…

from where did you guys get the practice exams from…please share…this is for L1

the practice exams are available on the CFAI website. if you’re taking it June 08, it won’t be available until like a month or two before the exam date. at least, that’s what i thought. i suggest you purchase these. very helpful. purchase as many as you can. strange though, the first one i took, i scored a 65. then i took another one, scored lower overall, but scored higher on the more heavily weighted sections. seemed like the practice exams were getting harder and harder (v1 through v5). or i was just getting dumber and dumber.