CFAI Sample Exam #2

good score though mcleod. great scores.


Taking the sample now . . . 0 for 2. Not looking good at all.


which sections are covered in the mock exam 2 and 3?

Getting raped.

Hang in there man. It is like the NBA…everybody goes on a run at some point.

nibs its the brutal one - you’ll make it in the pact!.

I went through the end rather fast because I got blown out of the water and hated life. Lets just put it at <60% I thought that answers were not supposed to rely on one another. In FSA they did (can anyone tell me where the WCinv was I couldn’t calculate what they got?) I would say 2 were stupid mistakes on my part. The first one seemed like a blessing compared to this one.

Nib… What question are you talking about?

The FCFF/FCFE. I had everything right except WCinv. Then when I got that wrong, I didn’t write the correct answer down because I would print it out later, sure enough the next question asked the difference between FCFF and FCFE.

yeah I remember that… so much for not having questions build upon one another…fing liars! Isnt that against the standards or something… do you think they would pass us automatically if we brought that to their attention??? haha…

One other question, one of the ethics, having to do with the Research Objectivity Standards. I could have sworn that what was stated in the vignette and the answer to the actual question were the exact same thing, except they said what was in the vignette was false.

Can the ones that took the second exam please tell me the areas that were covered.

Soft Dollar, Research Objectivity, FCF, Fixed Income, Derivatives (forwards/futures), and IPS.

thanks nibs, I’ll be joining the pact soon! I think this one would be more brutal than the actual exam because if AF-ers are having problems with it then all the non-AFers will definitely be bombing it. Still plenty of time to review too :slight_smile:

Just try not to get frustrated. I did and looking over the answers I made 3 stupid mistakes. That would pull me average to low to mid 60’s. Still horrible though.

you know they do give you a PDF of the ans… so you can go back through and see what you did wrong if you remember your questions…

nib - that ROS answer in the exam is wrong. They have that it was inconsistent with ROS to allow a company to check factual information in a report (I believe that was the one). Either way, one of them was just plain wrong.

The question I was talking about being prohibited to promising issuing favorable reports/threatening to issue unfavorable reports etc. I said that was correct, and the answer said it was false, yet wrote the same thing as their explanation on what would make it true.