Hi everybody, Was wondering if there are anyone who’s interested in forming a study group in Chicago for the Dec 08 Level 1 exam. Would also be great to hear from those who are preparing for the Jun 08 Level exams in Chicago. Best regards, Chicago_Bull
Hi there… I am from Chicago taking L1 in Dec. I started studying this week and reading Financial Statement Analysis Let me know if you are interested in forming study group regards krishnan
Hi there, Yes I am interested. Whereabouts are you based in Chicago? Any idea if this forum has a PM function?
Hi, Why dont u send me an email at ny.kris@gmail.com ; I work and live close to downtown… how abt u krish
Hi - any updates on the Chicago study group - I would like to join if we can meet downtown/loop? Thanks, Jen
Hi, I haven’t really met up with anyone in person yet so far. But I am glad to arrange something somewhere in the loop. GOtta be in the evening though. Havent been coming much to the forum as I’ve been tryin to settle down from my move to downtown from London.Anyone knows anywhere that’s good for studying late evenings? Libraries etc…? Drop me an e-mail if anybody is still interested. THanks! MC