
Some stories are not perfectly rational in the bible.

Johah sleeping for 3 days in a whale? Doubtful, But, that does not mean it is not the word of God and also the truth,

Skip what question? Its pretty clear in the bible. However, the difference between God creating 10K people at once or 1 + 1 is really quite irrelevant when you’re talking about an infinite being whom can do anything, Plausible is something you say when you don’t have all the evidence, I don’t see scientists completely disagreeing with the Church in pure science,

A few things…

@ColdDarkMatter - funny. I’m going to borrow it.

@PureAlpha - Why did you marry this woman, since she seems to be religious and you are obviously not? It seems like that would be a focal point of any relationship. I wouldn’t marry/date anybody who was that condescending to my religion.

All snarkiness aside, that is a decent account of the creation story as it is told in the Bible.

@Ohai - This is one of the prominent problems when debating religion. The religious always want to say, “You gotta have faith,”, while the atheists want everything proven beyond all possible doubt.

Both sides need to meet somewhere in the middle. The religious can’t use the “gotta have faith” catchphrase as their safety net when their logic or facts break down. On the other hand, the atheists need to understand that many of these beliefs can’t be proven, but that doesn’t mean that they’re completely off base.

I read something a while back (don’t remember the source or the exact numbers), where a poll was taken of a large number of scientists. (Natural/physical sciences with PhDs, not social sciences or English majors.) It showed that 1/3 of them were absolutely sure that there was some kind of God/Creator/Divine being, 1/3 of them were absolutely sure that there was no God, and 1/3 of them really didn’t know.

(Just in case anybody believed that there was “absolute proof” or certainty.)

^ Lol. Where did they find these ‘scientists?’ Texas Christian University?

You think a PhD from Texas Christian or Baylor is any less PhD-ish than one from University of Texas or Texas A&M?

^ No, that was just my glib way of asking for a source for that statement.

I’m not any kind of expert on the subject, but it seems to me the big bang theory and the theory of evolution provide some scientific evidence against creationism, and I’m not aware of any scientific evidence to the contrary, so I’m genuinely interested in learning more.

I am intelligently designed.

…double post

It’s no big deal, we have different views and it works totally great. As she says “just because you don’t share my views, doesn’t mean my views don’t make your life better”, which is true. If a person believes something irrational, and it generates positive results, can’t really argue with it.

The objection from logical people is that it violates Occam’s Razor. It doesn’t make sense to randomly make up some supernatural-being explanation, and then try to prove/disprove it, because there is zero reason to be starting with that explanation in the first place. Not having random irrational beliefs is not atheists needing everything proven beyond all doubt.

In 2009, Pew conducted a survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and found that:

33% believe in God

18% don’t believe in God but believe in a “higher power”

41% dont believe in God or a “higher power”

7% don’t know or refused to answer

Also, the current director of the NIH, Francis Collins, is a renowned geneticist. He is also a former atheist turned Evangelical Christian.

most scientists who believe in God are Deists. Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest people ever to walk drive around the planet and one of the most advanced in the knowledge of the universe and physics, is a Deist. they believe in God but don’t believe he has had an active role in the creation of our species, as evolution is fairly convincing.

this is a somewhat logical conclusion, which i concur with, as we have absolutely no scientific evidence, and will likely never have scientific evidence about how the universe was created. our understanding of science has a hard time coming up with all of this matter from absolutely nothing so we’d basically have to find our creator, go talk to him and him explain to us how a universe and an intelligent human race appear from absolutely nothingness for us to appropriately revise science to make ends meet.

Uhh hello? There’s big bang, and evolution. We know how things come about; random event upon random event, across large blocks of time, what works lasts, what doesn’t work is discarded. Reason for big bang perhaps can not be known, but that is no reason to jump to “Thor did it”.

^Big Bang - all matter was compressed into a small lump the size of a rat turd. Then, all of a sudden there was a big BANG!!!, and magically, the moon goes around the Earth, the Earth goes around the sun, the sun goes around the MIlky way, and the MIlky Way goes around the center of the galaxy. And the green grass grew all around and around.

Evolution - because some birds have pointed beaks and others have round beaks, then obviously men come from monkeys which come possums which come from lizards which come from tadpoles which come from amoebas. Which come from the small rat turd that BANG!!!ed into existence.

But the idea that there is an almighty creator of the universe is completely implausible. Only a complete idiot would believe that.

As an atheist who believes in science, I think religious people are stupid. This is 21st century, and these people still believe in a fiction written in the stone ages lmao.

Not magically. I think not everyone can comprehend the evidence the smart people uncovered. I am guessing ZERO people here comprehend the math/evidence behind big bang. So it’s basically faith, that the smart people did the math right, which is different from faith in Zeus.

correct, religion is a sham.

everything in that folks couldnt explain was atributed to “god” lmao

I am afraid the Big Bang theory has nothing to do with evolution, which is an observable and contemporary phenomenon.

That says a lot more about you than about religious people.

How, exactly, do we know that they’re random?