Aweful name
I figured it was a breath freshener.
I thought it was for my allergies.
^ Yeah I thought it sounded like Claritin too. They should repurpose the Claritin slogan into – “Live Claritas Clear.”
You mean, live life without the Claritas “credential?” Why, I don’t mind if I do.
When read first time I thought they have named the program after some Greek mythological figure (so similar to Atlas!), then found it has something to do with ‘clarity’!.
Claritas is the post-castration medicine you take after you get the certificate and then hacksaw yourself
Money would be better spent giving to your favorite charity than to the Claritas program.
Personally, I prefer Charmin or Cottonnelle to Claritas because at least toilet paper won’t give you paper cuts.
I still haven’t met anyone in real life who mentioned Claritas as one of their credentials, but this will probably be my reaction when the day comes:
If I ever met someone with Claritas, this is probably what I would look like:
i feel like itera banged my ex
It’s the financial term for cunnilingus.
Damn, nobody thinks it would be good for support staff? The target group. Not intended for all you BSDs. Sure, if you want to be a drilling engineer, nobody cares if you have well control certificate. But if you just want to work on the rig floor, or maybe even become a driller, certainly would be a bonus. Shows you probably have a clue.
^I actually agree. I’ve looked at some of the questions, and they’re not exactly the walk in the park you might think.
But the name is still god-awful. Sounds like a mix between the latin word for “truth”, mixed with “clarity” and a little bit of allergy medicine thrown in.
Strange name. Might as well gone with clitoris.