CNN 2016 Candidate Matchmaker

Haha, itera is a hillary-lover.

Second quiz allows you to adjust how much you weigh each issue.

^ It also give a lot more options for your answer.

^^Point is, they didn’t ask the questions that mattered most to me. And now I’m voting for Hillary. Great.

CNN: fiorina, trump, rubio

iside: Rubio, fiorina, trump.

iside determined I am a “right-wing libertarian”

you are what you eat

I’m struggling to see how this joke makes any sense.

there are many interpretations. all hilaryous.

I didn’t notice before that isidewith identifies your ideology, so I went back to see what mine is and noticed that there are also a lot more questions that you have to “expand” to answer. Having done that, my candidates are now Rubio, Trump, Cruz and I am a right-wing libertarian. Bush now drops to 5th. My bottom 3 (going up) are Stein, Sanders and Clinton.

that’s punny!

Like “Should the President be an outsider, a governor, or a senator, or just an all-around leader with various roles?”

They might as well have asked, “Trump, Bush, Rubio/Paul/Sanders, or HIllary?”

^ FWIW, I answered governor in the CNN poll and got Trump, Fiorina and Rubio as my top three.

Have long been a fan of the isidewith. have taken it three times since August

I got

  1. Trump

  2. Rand Paul

  3. Cruz

  4. Ben Carson

  5. Jeb

  6. Hillary




but i aint amerikan

OMG, am an idiot.

Cruz, Rand Paul, Christie.

I thought I was leaning Democrat