Comment on my study plan

Hello, I am starting my study tomorrow and would greatly appreciate it if some of you gave me some insight. Jan, Feb, March (Finish all of schweser and questions) I will read the schweser notes, do end of chapter questions, and after every 5-10 chapters I plan on doing qbank covering everything I have done to that point. Basically my goal in these three months is to get through all the readings, do as many questions as possible, and always do qbank covering everything up to my latest chapter so I never forget anything from earlier on. April Do more end of chapter, qbank questions. Also plan on using this month to strengthen any weak areas that I may have. May This month I want to devote to doing old exams, practice exams, and cfa bought exams. Main focus will be exams and redoing weak parts. About me: Passed level 1 in december, and level 2 in June/09. I studied exclusively from schweser and studied 4 weeks for level 1 (not working) and 3 months for level 2 while working full-time. I would appreciate any feedback whatsoever that any of you may have for me.

so long as you stick to your plan you should be okay but DO THE CFAI end of chapter questions for sure… I am on a similar schedule as of tomorrow where I am doing the Schewser notes reading from now till March 1st alongside Schewser end of reading questions. Then hitting Video CDs along with Qbank and End of chapter question from CFAI from March 2nd till May. And in May I am only doing Practice Exam and Review. Good luck to you and make sure to stick to your plan…I suggest writting out your plan and sticking to it. I ran out of time last year and could not get any practice exams done besides one and on the exam I ran out of time in the AM session and that came back to bite me in the ass by failing band 10. Cheers NVC

Agree with N VanCandidate. CFAI end of chapter questions are key. I didn’t do them (wasn’t planning to at all) until just before the exam and ended up picking a few points up on calculating credit risk of various derivatives.

Thanks a lot guys. Yeah I realized how key CFAI end of chapter questions are since I did them for level 2 and they helped me big time. I just hope I can balance my life and CFA without losing my mind or my social life. Best of luck to all.

Kamilio, overall I like your study plan. A couple of suggestions: 1) I would suggest relying on EOC questions way more than Q-bank (I found Q-bank very helpful for Level I, less helpful for Level II and didn’t even bother using it for Level III as I heard it wasn’t very useful). 2) use Secret Sauce for review as it helps reviewing important concepts quickly (I re-read it 4 or 5 times) 3) master essays from previous years. I would suggest doing at least two morning sessions as if you were taking an actual exam. Good luck!