Company Research Report

Man was this one tough… especially with the mature/growth question, which I know has made for a bit of a discussion on here… cannot believe we now have to wait 2.5 months to find our score.

i counted about 20 mistakes going through the forum today things are not looking good

super you arent alone, looking at this forum i screwed up a good deal… screwed the pooch on the correlation question at beg of quant methods, goodwill, and pension liability first question on funded status (not really funded status tho cause of IFRS) you get about to 36 wrong i guess… once i get to 35 confirmed wrong answers, i am going to stop looking at AF until the results… I so far have 10 confirmed wrong, and another couple i know about that i keep trying to tell myself its not true… Plus derivatives in the 2nd half ripped me a new one, as did corp finance which havent really been discussed here

dont look at it that way… those 20 mistakes still means you can have another 16 of them out there and still pass…