complimentary certificate to CFA

Regarding the investment analysis / portfolio manager type areas, which certificate do you feel would be the most valuable compliment to the CFA? I’ve looked at the CMA, ARM, CTP, FRM, CFP, CAIA, CERA, and others and decided that the FRM looks the most attractive. Thoughts?

Good question. Along with the CFA charter, i would definitely be down with OPP. It was really succesful in the early 90s and it could possibly make a serious comeback soon. You should look into it…

I looked into it. O is for Other, P is for People scratchin’ temple, the last P…well…that’s not that simple

Its Ontario Provincial Police dude. I dont know should i involve my self into this…

There ya go, mp3bu. You’re destined for success! If not portfolio mangement, rapping is your game. haha

I say CFP and CAIA. Seems like what the PM peeps recognize and ask for internally. CAIA with the CFA is in demand. 4 SVP PM I know have recently added it to their CFA. It’s Ordinary Puffy Popcorn! haha


Keys Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > CQF Agreed, CFA is embarrasingly poor on the quant front.

I’m doing the CAIA right now and have looked at the FRM Material and will probably give it a try in November. I think the CAIA is very manageable. There is just a bunch of material to memorize. Your CFA knowledge will take care of almost all of the concepts in level 1 of CAIA. FRM similarly seems manageable compared to the CFA.

Analystforum notably has three forums - CFA, CAIA and FRM. I am sure three of these are the Gold standards in Traditional Investments, Alternative Investments and Risk Management respectively and complement each other the best.

^ Incorrect, FRM, CAIA, etc… are good for designation flippers and individuals who flunked the CFA…They are also popular due to the relatively lower cost to some other applications (I assume most on this board are broke from previous postings). FRM is not quantitative enough to do most useful things in risk management. CAIA is not quantitative enough to do most useful things in hedge funds. You will learn a good vocabulary, will probably enjoy the interesting readings, but that’s about it ; where does this lead you to? --> Sales You need something disruptive to your current knowledge/skills. Aside from a quantitative PhD (for skill) or Top 5-10 MBA (for branding purposes) or JD, I believe the most disruptive financial designations on the market from a CFA Charterholder are: --> CPA / CA --> ASA / FSA --> CQF

CFE… really looks at the other side of things

NBA, i hear that qualification can lead to some great results, including tshirt franchises.

Keys Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I agree. In fact, I would be wary of people who get multiple of these designations; they had nothing else to do with their time?

CAIA and FRM don’t go in-depth enough into their respective subjects and are considerably easier than the CFA. CQF seems interesting but it’s expensive and not many people have it.

Based on my experience and understanding, the CQF is virtually unknown in the US, but is relatively well respected in the UK. So the value of the designation depends strongly on where you live. I say this as a former physicist who knows lots of quants. It isn’t exactly an insider opinion, but I think it is relatively well informed.

^^^Could it be because it is based out of the UK and that is where it is gaining traction initially, but as more people come to have the designation and/or work with those who have it it may become more recognized globally?

That clearly is part of it, but you have to ask yourself if it is worth a nearly $20,000 gamble that it will catch on in the US, especially given that in the US it is remote learning rather than in class learning (which, among other things, means no networking opportunities). This is worth looking at:

The distance learning course costs $18,000 in the US and $10,000 in the “UK and the rest of the world”. Uh, wtf?

10,000 GBP, not 10,000 USD.