confirmation letters in the mail?

hi i was just wondering if and when the CFA starts mailing out confirmations of passes, and if your work needs those to process your ‘refunds’ for the test fee… (specifically i’m in the Toronto area)

No clue if and when they send out official letters, but I got reimbursed no prob with just a printout from the CFAI website. This is probably a question for the CFAI as well as the HR department at your firm.

As far as I can recall, when I wrote level 1 last June I only ever received the “pass” notification through the CFA site. I can’t recall a letter afterwards…

I second lola, a print out from the website should be enough.

I don’t remember hearing anyone telling me that they got a letter from the CFAI too, so I just printed my results page too.

I got my letter in the post on friday. Another one to go on the wall.