Hi, Came across a question from a mock exam asking what are the changes on ROA and ROE after a SPE is consolidated to the beneficiary. Answer key says both ROA and ROE will decrease. I understand the ROA, but why would ROE decrease? I thought the equity method already bumps up the NI by the proportionate amount, which in turn bumps up Equity. How would consolidating decrease ROE? Thanks
consolidating is a balance sheet effect, not an I/S effect. you are thinking about it wrong.
NI is the same under all methods of inter corporate investments. ROA will go down because assets are increasing by the additional assets of the consolidated entity. ROE will go down because of the minority interest account being included in equity.
Hmmm I think more information would be needed. I think I remember a question somewhere about selling a building and leasing it back but that the parent was still on the hook for recourse on loan used to buy the building from the parent. The trick was that when you consolidated the SPE you had to back a gain (on the sale to the SPE) from Net Income and the offsetting impact on Equity. Since the numerator decreased by a greater % than denominator, the ROE actually decreased. It seemed like a question targeting someone who memorized the Schweser chart but didn’t understand the underlying ratios and impact.
Nope, it’s as simple as my answer above. A SPE is treated the same way as proportional consolidation.
what if the parent owns the SPE 100%, like most SPEs are used for in securitization markets? wouldn’t that mean there would be no minority interest and that equity would stay the same?
westibbs is correct. almost all bs ratios will worsen when an SPE (VIE) is consolidated.
Good question about 100% ownership of SPE. I would have no idea why ROE would increase in that case…
Westlibbs 100% correct about minority interest. If no minority interest no change in ROE. The part that confuses me is that we adjust NI by minority interest for consolidation method but we don’t adjust Equity. Seems like it mixes apples and oranges but that is the correct way to calculate the equity for ROE. I do remember having to unwind a “gain” on the sale of a building on either a sample exam or a mock.
Under equity method, you are not the majority stock holder & you have purchased only a part of equity of the other company. So, there is no need for any minority interest adjustments.