Constructed Response 101 for Nerds, Geeks and Number Crushers.....

To those who have previously passed Level 3 or did well in the AM Session, any previous challenges in articulating long answers in the AM session? How did you deal with it? Your responses will be highly appreciated. I discovering I have a short fuse for the long answers and I want to get it handled…Thanks…

I read this three times and still can’t figure out what you are asking. Are you asking how to write a proper short answer to the essay section?

Partly, as in how to keep the answer straight to the point and with the buzzwords in the right place. It sounds more like I am looking for a shortcut to gaming the essay session, but I really want to know the experience of people who had problems with articulating answers with the technical jargons involved and how they got it handled esp for the AM session… It’s not like I don’t have the understanding, but the challenge is more like how to keep it short, robust and straight…

It is very scary to write down a short answer, but you need to get comfortable doing it. I would say that when you start to take prior year AM exams you will get a feel for how long you need to (can) write. The 2008 AM exam will be a good test. Many people didn’t finish this exam on time and some left up to 3 questions blank. It was difficult. The 2009 AM exam wasn’t as hard, but it wasn’t easy and I still didn’t have a ton of time leftover. If you have schweser they show some bullet point answers to their essay questions. You could start there. The best advice would be to answer EXACTLY what they are asking and nothing more. As soon as you have done that stop writing. You can get more information here: and Notice that answers that receive full credit are not as long or well thought out as the guidelines given. Hope this helps.

“If you have schweser they show some bullet point answers to their essay questions. You could start there.” - The problem with this approach is they are like 5 word answers for 6 minutes (points). Is that enough?

cfaboston28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > “If you have schweser they show some bullet point > answers to their essay questions. You could start > there.” - > > The problem with this approach is they are like 5 > word answers for 6 minutes (points). Is that > enough? Like I said, it is scary. I know a guy who went to the Schweser classes last year and they swear that it is enough. I didn’t go that light on information, but he was probably closer to their answer length and he rocked the exam (remember plyon?).

If Plyon said it - then it’s more then enough!

Use bullets do not write sentances. This worked for me.

Plyon is the man. I guess need to find a mid-daw solution. Not much as CFAI and not one-liner as Schweser.

Thanks guys, highly appreciated. Amen on Plyon too…

One more thing, how do retain the buzzwords for most of these stuffs against the AM session. I just want to know your views, to know if there’s any more efficient alternative to constant practice… I used to have the challenge of using buzzwords even though I can communicate the concepts, and I’ve been accussed in interviews of not “talking professionally”…

bullet points are sufficient.

maratikus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bullet points are sufficient. So Schweser is a way to go, correct? Also if asked for one, is it better to write 2 points? Just making sure that we have the better probability.

pupdawg82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > maratikus Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > bullet points are sufficient. > > > So Schweser is a way to go, correct? > > Also if asked for one, is it better to write 2 > points? Just making sure that we have the better > probability. No. Only the first point will be graded. This is stated right on the CFAI website.

Thanks mwvt9.

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