Correlation and line chart

Question: Why can’t we see the above line chart to give conclusion to CORRELATION between 2 variables?
I read somewhere which states that :" we use the line chart which can give wrong conclusion to correlation between 2 variables, and we should use scatter plot"

Where is this exhibit?

Here is location where this exhibit comes from.
Source: CFA prerequesite curriculum - Quantitative - Module: Organizing, visualizing, and describing data.


I’ll take a look at it when I have a moment.

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I’ll take a look at it when I have a moment.

My answer is a guess, and hopefully one of the experts like S2000magician or Mikey can weigh in.

In the image you posted, it looks like the solid line is missing a couple of data points (Days 8 and 9) and they’ve drawn a straight line between Days 7 and 10. The dotted line does have data points at Days 8 and 9.
My suspicion would that it’s something to do with that.