Cover Letter: Body or Attachement

Given we discused the resume…how about the cover letter. When you have a contacts email address I believe the proper thing to do is to include the cover letter as an attachment. But I imagine they’ll be more likely to read your resume (say the get a million) if the cover letter is in the body of the email with some impressive points. Thoughts?

both. I have some formatting that I like to keep in my cover letter (helps get the point across, even if they’re only skimming) but at the same point the e-mail needs a body, so I use most of my coverletter (and format certain things differently).

both…and always put your name in the file header too

I include both, but mostly because I want my cover letter to stay with my resume should the recruiter/hiring manager print it out or forward it along to other people. Also, I use a standard and distinctive header in my resume file, just in case my cover letter and resume get split apart at some point. This way, they can always know that it’s my cover letter.