Cutting carbs


Cutting out coke will do a lot as well, and cut down meal portions; don’t eat til you’re full. stop before you reach that point. You’ll feel hungry for the first little while but it gets better.

you can eat and drink as long as you put in your time at the gym

I did undergrade research in weight loss and this is really true.

BTW, it’s not so much about carbs (almost everything you eat turns to sugar at some point in the body), but the quality of the food. It just so happens most junk food is carbs, so telling someone to cut carbs impacts them the hardest. You really should do a food journal, that’s a really effective way of accomplishing this. And with smartphones and apps not, it couldn’t be easier. Most apps allow you to scan the bar codes of stuff you buy to automatically log it.

Yup. Clean your colon Greenie, you’ll thank me when it’s over.

Is the issue carbs specifically, or is cutting carbs just an indirect way of cutting calories? If so, just eat less food (which is admittedly, harder than sounds).

^It’s not carbs specifically. I still eat carbs. EG - for breakfast and lunch, I had a milkshake with Syntha-6 protein powder, 1% milk, and Slim-Fast. It had something like 35g of carbs in it. But that’s all I ate.

Specifically, my problem is just eating too much crap. I love sweets of all kind. Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, brownies, pie, pudding, peppermints, Starburst, M&M’s, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit-Kat’s, etc. And you have to wash it down with either milk (the wholer the better) or Coke.

And it’s funny how much I eat without realizing it. We have a jar of jellybeans in the break room, and I’m used to grabbing a few a couple of times a day. We also have Hershey Kisses in our reception area. And I have a popcorn tin full of cinnamon peppermints next to my desk. Plus I put a tablespoon of sugar in my coffe 2-3 times per day. Then, when I go home, we have gingerbread men and holiday Oreos. I’ve just never realized that all this stuff was part of my daily diet.

^ Holy crapola!!! blush

You’re a real pig Greenman. The soda is the worst though of all that shit

Jesus Christ Greenman! That is a f-load of sugar. However, don’t be so draconian with your diet otherwise you will fail in the long-run because you need to change your behaviour/pattern. You’re obviously addicted to sugar so you need to wean yourself off the sugar-horse. This is probably the worst time of year to start such a diet so you need to set small goals for yourself to beat this. Instead of full flavor coke go with a diet. Instead of whole milk go with 2% then–>1%. Cut your snacks down.

It is about the carbs specifically, in addition to the overall caloric intake. Carbs promote rises in insulin levels which push your body to store more fat…

I hereby dub this the West Texas Diet.

As many mentioned here, quiting the soda should be your 1st priority. Not only will it help with weight loss, it will also help by not killing 2 essential nutrients anymore: calcium and magnesium.

is this you greenman?

Along with soda, stop drinking milk with everything. That’s easily adding a couple hundred calories to your diet. I guarantee that you do not have a calcium deficiency. Milk is for baby cows, not BSD tax accountants.

Basically, you need to detox your whole household. Once those Cheetos and Oreos get into the house, it is 100x harder to not eat them. You have to talk to your wife/kids regarding shopping decisions and say “look, daddy’s gonna die if you can’t live without Doritos” (maybe a bit dramatacized but something like that).

Congratulations to Greenman on admitting his problem and being open to improvement. That is what makes you a man, even if you cannot throw 85 mph fastball.

^i can throw 60 from a little league mound. Does that count?

True. Nice work, Greenman

I started drinking soda water (make sure its low sodium!) instead of sugary beverages. Eventually I just switched to water. Now I can’t even stand the taste of Coke or any other soft drink. They’re unbareably sweet. I do drink about 3 or 4 beers a week though. That’s not so good. But yeah, Coke will kill you. Within five decades, we will view it no differently than cigarettes. Its so bad for you.

Someone should ask Warren Buffett how he gets away with his soda consumption.

haha yeah that guy is always drinking a coke

My wife met a personal trainer a few days ago who suggested to decrease carb supply, what means that I´ll also be affected…

I restarted gym three weeks ago after leaving CFA studies behind me, just to lose weight and feel better, esp. improve my back. I gained appr. 24 lbs in the last three years, hence there´s something to be done now!