Cutting carbs


Your approach to remove a few things at a time has a better chance of success than a drastic change. I, too, am trying to work on cutting back on sweets. A little treat here and there can add up!

Being a healthy old bastard when my kids get older is good motivation for me (most of the time). I hope I can set a decent example of health and fitness for those little rugrats.

^@ohai and others - thanks.

And like Don mentioned, I’m taking it slow. Just trying to cut out the “daytime” stuff right now, like sugar in coffee, morning sweets, etc. I’m not going to worry about it over thanksgiving, but I plan to start cutting the soda and desserts after New Years.

Also, consider Coke Zero. Not actually healthy, but it will help fight the calorie battle!

Perhaps this is what the bro science is saying, but when I read the nutrition research things were a bit more complicated than this. And the whole insulin level thing was also not well understood – I was involved in a rat study that seemed to show that diet sodas promote rises in insulin. Diet soda Rats given the same amount of food daily gained the same weight as soda drinkers while the water rats were little change. Given how complex the nutrition stuff was at the time, i’ve always made a habit of immediately ignoring people who make simple claims about it. But I don’t know how the research has developed in the past 4 years and perhaps things are more clear. But it was a pain to read those studies, so I don’t plan on trying to update myself lol

Yeah…that’s one possible reason why diet sodas supposedly don’t reduce weight…because of the rises in insulin, and other things like increased hunger.

^I have this (completely unsubstantiated and unresearched) belief that, can for can, diet soda is relatively healthier than regular soda. (That is, at least it’s less bad for you.) But most Diet Coke drinkers I know don’t substitute can-for-can. They drink 4-5x as much soda as regular soda drinkers.

How does someone drink multiple cans of soda in a day? I’d be feeling so sick, even when I was a soda drinker, having more than one per day. That acidity f’s up your gut.

A lot easier to drink a lot of diet soda because there’s none of that residual sweetness lingering in your mouth…I prefer the tastte of diet too though I rarely drink soda. My solution is to replace soda with craft beer. If its inappopriate to drink beer (work etc) just stick to water.

Perrier might be a good transition to get off sodas - just a thought.

Kind of looks like me. I need to jump on this weight loss train too.

Funny, I’m one of those guys who weighs less now than I did in high school. I grew up with some bad habits. Always soda in the house, etc. I played football in high school (OL and DL) and I hit my peak weight at 219 in the summer before 11th grade. I was about 6’1" then but now I’m nearly three inches taller and I’m around 180.

During one summer home from college, I did the Slim Fast diet and got down to 190-195, where I held for years, then gradually moved higher until I was probably around 205 a few years ago. About that time I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee, cut back on alcohol a lot, cut out a bunch of snacks, and have tried eating better foods. Oh, and over the past 1.5 years I’ve been consistently doing weights, probably the longest extended period of my life.

Soda is trash. Cut it out cold turkey almost exactly 10 years ago. The only cereal I eat is Cheerios (or the private label equivalent). Very low in sugar. With soy or almond milk. Oh, and I do a lot of planks.

My take is that if you follow good habits five or so days a week, it’s ok to have a cookie once in a while, or have a burger and fries, which I’ll do in about an hour. The point is that healthy habits have to be the rule rather than the exception. Once you flip the equation, the weight will start coming off.

I’m about 5 pounds from being able to make the same claim, but only because I was also fat in high school.

Burning 2800 calories while sitting on his ass, because his brain does need all that sugar. No joke, his doctors said so.

a habit takes 2-3 weeks to develop. Just go cold turkey, it will be tough at first but within a month you’ll never even crave it again.

on a different note, new years resolutions are coming soon dammit. my temple will soon be invaded by clueless zombies seeking arm definition and abs.

In case you were wondering…“no carb” went out the window during Thanksgiving weekend.

But I was back on it yesterday. At least during the day.

New year is when all the new cardio bunnies in tights come out of hibernation. It is nature’s way of renewing itself. Like the circle… the circle of liiife…

  1. drink LaCroix sparkling waters. Flavored, in a can, you will transition away from soda much easier.

  2. Get a vitamix blender and get to work. You will do better for yourself by ditching a “protein milkshake” for a legit smoothie, it will also force you to keep real food in the house instead of that processed poision you eat now.

  3. Get to work in the gym, 90% of people aren’t working out hard enough or long enough for the results they think they deserve.

Cutting carbs is such an easy thing to say, unfortunately just cuz you drop a few pounds by cutting it out doesnt mean you are necessarily being healthy. It’s a yo-yo, you need to establish a lifestyle that can be maintained and isn’t torture…good luck, it can certainly be done.

‘Twas the night before New Year, when all through the gym,

Not a bro was there lifting, not even Coleman.

The temple of iron was a peaceful affair,

Not a clang or a clash, a setting quite rare.

Our home was alike, with leg day the clue,

Exhausted we were, a muted milieu.

I was drifting to sleep in my recov’ry nest,

When a vision of fear shook me straight from my rest:

The dumbbells were dozing by mirrors with care,

Soon to be scattered like broken glassware.

Cardio bunnies in yoga pants tight,

Sweating out booze from a drunken good night. [1*]

Curl-bros grunting while hogging the rack,

Heaving the barbell with curve in their back.

Every swole-station had a line out the door,

Like bro-bots in wait at a Black Friday store.

Chest-bros with no legs, just upper aesthetics,

Skinny-dudes whining – “It’s all just genetics!”

Resolutions abounding, “I want to get swole!”

No discipline grounding, so few reach their goal.

But this nightmare eternal, it vanished quite soon,

With a crash! bang! thump! outside my room.

Suff’ring through DOMS, I pounded downstairs,

Bounding to the door like a hound after hares.

Before me I saw what must be an illusion,

Great Brodin himself!, in an awkward intrusion.

He roared like a lion, delts bulging like boulders,

“Your door has not width for my big fucking shoulders!” [2*]

So stunned by his swear, I snapped from my haze,

And crow-barred the jamb with zero delays.

The Iron god present, I trembled with glee,

Could Brodin have a need of little ol’ me?

Though my kitchen be lowly and shakes unfitting,

I offered him whey and a barstool for sitting.

Mount Everest traps, and biceps like K2,

Quads of redwood, striated as he moved.

With a sip of the shake, he began with a bellow,

“I’ve ‘mired from afar, my young swole fellow.

Your bulk be clean and thy gains be thriving,

Macros on point, and PRs up-rising!”

But he tapered to calm, his countenance altered,

“’Tis a serious sin, the people that faltered.

Your vision of New Year, it’s not so uncommon,

They have no focus, they wander like Brahman!”

“The temple be crowded, many budding believers,

But the pain is too great, they deny it like Peters.

So their growth be withered, like a rose in hot sun,

Consigned to consumption, ‘cause that is more fun!’”

For a second I saw a tear sink from his eye,

His barrel-chest breathing a sizable sigh.

But his moment of gloom, it turned to good cheer

“Be swole of mind, young bro, and have you no fear!”

“You shall be my courier, my marathon man,

And deliver these words throughout your vast land:

Narrow is the road that leads to the temple,

Fight for your goals, the first victory is mental.”

“Never skip leg day, put form before ego,

Glutes to the grass, ‘til your body gives zero.

Praise one another for a program routine,

Keepeth thy silence when words may demean.”

“Remember thy sleep and your nutrients too,

Hard work is hollow if these you eschew.

Bear not just weight but the burdens of others,

For each man’s struggle be also his brother’s.”

With message delivered, he raised from his rest,

Commissioned was I with Brodin’s address.

A point to my pecs, he left me so blessed,

“Thy greatest of strengths be under your chest.”

And right through the roof with a single squat thrust,

Flew Brodin so high, in a cloud of thick dust.

At the height of the moon, he loudly proclaimed,

“Happy New Year to all, and to all many gains!!”

^haha awesome, i had to look up Brodin and im glad i did

how are the hemmorhoids Greenie?