DCF valuation real examples needed

Dear all, in a week I will have an interview for investment banking job (entry level). I have 2 years of audit experience, master in finance and CFA level 1 passed (waiting for level 2 results now). Here is the problem. I read a lot about DCF valuation, I know many theories, approaches, I solved many CFA questions and book examples and I think that I have relatively sound theoretical knowledge. To improve my practical knowledge I carefully read all valuation reports I’ve ever met in my day to day job. However report is the finished product - it doesn’t always show the process of valuation itself. So the question is if someone probably could share some spreadsheets with real models so I could look at them and to get some insight about how it’s done in real life situations. My e-mail is kindofmind@gmail.com. Thank you very much in advance.

Do a Google search for Damodaran and find his NYU website (he’s a finance professor there). He has a decent DCF template you can download for free. Play around with that for an hour and you will be fine. With DCF, the difficult part is coming up with accurate input estimates, not the actual modeling. You can say that about any front office modeling, though (at least non-quant shops).

