Deciding Between Schweser Essential Self Study and the Premium Package?

Are the online classes and videos with the Premium Package worth it or should I stick with the self study package?

premium baby, u need those video lectures

I went with premium too, you got to evaluate for yourself if you video lectures or just notes is would do for you. At times the lectures would provide a different perspective from what was interpreted by yourself

I found the most basic Schweser study package to be more than sufficient. (my wallet liked it too)


I would go with the premium. The lectures are very helpful in explaining some parts of the curriculum. I watch ethics and GIPS videos first and made notes of what i need to pay more attention to and then read the material.

You also get a weekly email from the professor and you can ask questions through their website.

I did essential for all three levels. Books and Qbank are what you need.

Premium for L2 and L3. L1 just buy the books and Q bank