Denied Jaguar, Haryana Youth Pushes BMW Into River

i dont normally drink unless im turning up. and turning up usually means roughly 5-7 shots on avg. ohai is def indian, he knows too much about them. most asians dont know much about indians.

never tried balut. i was to grossed out when i was younger, but id try it now if offerred. i have heard palawan is worth it, but never been. the best part i like about the philippines was this exclusive resort in tagaytay highlands (this was 13 years ago). i jet skiied at subic beach. there wasnt much tourists. i also went to a beach in a home city where my cousin is the mayor. that shit was packed. personally i preferred the partying with fam then clubbing.

hoenstly i think india is the key to beat china. much like how south korea was used to stop japanese growth.

also here are some questions:

  1. are russians asians? (i think no)

  2. are indians asians? (my yougner self would say no, but i now say yes, due to some vids i seen)

  3. are middle easterners asian?

  4. I literally thought to this day that sri lanka was a part of india!

Why does India have so many creepy men? Is that a cultural thing? please explain. Tank.

The creepier the dude the more likely he gets laid. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!